The designers

charles-miek-theaTogether with Riet van Diemen Charles has written a book about dementia in the elderly.
In this book they try to promote a better understanding of this group of people.

The texts in the garden are written by Charles and are collected in a book called “De Meander van een Woordenstroom” wich is sold in the tea-house.


hansHans IJzerman († 2010) created statues and works of art, using concrete and plastic. These creative shapes radiate a mystical atmosphere and the influence of the Jugendstil period can easily be detected in his work. Hans sometimes paints his objects and it is obvious that the Austrian artist Gustav Klimt has been of great influence to him.

At various places in the garden his work can be admired. Among others “the  Kiss” (above), the Buddha (pictured below), the Pharaoh and the Indian (see  “garden walk”).
In the teahouse you will also find some creations of him.